The ABC's of Kindergarten

    Kindergarten Information

Welcome to Kindergarten!  I am looking forward to a great year.  This page is full of information regarding our class and what we do.  Please read it carefully.  Also, you may want to save this page to refer to throughout the year.

v     Absences: Please notify the office by telephone or by writing if your child is absent. (858) 455-6230

v     Tardies: Please have your child at school at least five minutes before the bell rings at 7:50.  Being early will give your child time to get a drink or use the bathroom before school begins.  Please have your child waiting at the circle for the teacher to come and get the class.  If you are late, please go to the office and get a tardy slip.

v     Birthdays: If you wish to send in mini muffins or mini cupcakes with your child for their birthday, feel free to do so!  DO NOT bring in a cake that needs to be cut into pieces.  If you are going to have a birthday party outside of school, I ask that you do not bring invitations to school unless all classmates are invited.  We do not want any hurt feelings.

v     Discipline: My discipline system is based on respect and responsibility.  I use a card system in my classroom.  When the children come to school their card is on “Good Day” (green).  Throughout the day, a child has an opportunity to move their card up to “Great Day” (blue) or “Super Star” (pink).  Just as a child can move their card up, they can also move their card down.  The first time a child breaks a class rule, their card is moved to “Warning” (yellow).  After two inappropriate actions, a child moves their card to “Time Out” (orange).  Three inappropriate actions will change their card to “Office” (red) and a phone will be made home.  Of course every problem has unique circumstances and needs to be handled accordingly.  For example, any physical harm to another person will result in a visit to the office immediately.

v     Snack/Lunch: We have a daily snack in the morning.  Please send a small, healthy snack every day in addition to your child’s lunch.  It is helpful if you separate and label their snack so that your child does not get confused and eat all of their food in one sitting.  Breakfast and lunch can be purchased in the cafeteria.  If you would like your child to purchase breakfast and/or lunch, please contact the office for prices and payment methods.


v     Volunteering: Volunteers are always welcome in the classroom.  Volunteers do a variety of things, such as prepping and doing art projects with the students, making copies and laminating, and stuffing the red folders.

v     Red Folders: The red folders are my way of communication with parents.  The left side of the folder(“Home”) is for papers that are for you to read.  If you want to send something back to school, please put all of those papers on the right side of the folder (“School”).  Make sure that your child brings their folder to school every day.  Check the folder every night and return necessary items promptly.  If the folder becomes lost, please replace it.